
1 December 2023
Paul Guest joins new Board structure at Great Cliff!

An Appointment General Meeting was held at the Marine Tavern on 30 November 2023, where three of the existing Directors offered themselves for re-election, plus a new appointee from Flat 3 - Paul Guest. All four Directors were duly elected by the members present in addition to six proxy votes. All four Directors appreciate the […]

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6 October 2023
Sunken Driveway Reappeared...!

Despite previous attempts to resolve our driveway from sinking on the west side entrance, the problem has reoccurred! One of the driveway bricks has even disappeared into the hole itself, making this a safety hazard. The matter has been reported to Crown who organised a site survey which confirmed that the drainage pipework had remained […]

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19 September 2023
Appointment/Re-appointment of Directors

During September 2023, the Leaseholders of Great Cliff (Dawlish) Ltd passed a Special Resolution to amend the Articles of Association by deleting and replacing Article 19. The main points concerning the election of Directors are as follows:

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19 September 2023
Date for Appointment General Meeting 2023: Thursday, 30 November 2023

A General Meeting was held on Wednesday, 13 September 2023 at 10.30am at The Marine Tavern, 2 Marine Parade, Dawlish, Devon, EX7 9DJ. Leaseholders were asked to consider and vote on a Special Resolution to amend the Articles of Association by deleting and replacing Article 19 which was passed unaminously. This will allow a procedure […]

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28 August 2023
Damp Proofing Works Required following Surveyor's Report - Update...!

Following damp issues reported at Flats 20 & 23, Croft Surveyors were instructed to investigate the problem. It was found that leaks were likely to be occurring in the single ply membranes lining the parapet box gutters with the need to re-waterproof and replace decayed timber boards beneath. A quotation for the works has been […]

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26 July 2023
Third Floor Balcony Refurbished!

The third floor has been refurbished with painted balcony railings and grey sealant paint on the floor areas. This completes the waterproofing works carried out on the floor above, includintg the new balcony ceiling areas, which were carried out in 2022. This latest work was carried out by Steve Toney and was completed during July […]

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3 June 2023
East Facing Wall Painted

Following the painting of the front facade, the east facing wall has now been completed at a cost of £2k. The total amount spent on external painting is now £13k. There still remains the west facing wall and the rear of the building to be painted but these walls are not high priority against other […]

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20 November 2022
Rear balcony works completed!

At long last, the top rear balcony works has been completed, at a cost of just under £30k. For many years, the top balcony had been leaking to the balcony ceiling below, which had to be battoned up to ensure that it remained safe. The works included replacing the top coping stones with a wider […]

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12 October 2022
Scaffolding for rear balcony due in October 2022!

The rear balcony works are due to start towards the end of October but scaffolding will be errected on site first. The current date is likely to be Tuesday 18th October. The scaffolding may infringe on the rear car park and may mean that we have to change the way we park our cars. We […]

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12 October 2022
AGM for 2022 to be held at the Marine Tavern

The AGM of Great Cliff (Dawlish) Ltd will be held at the Marine Tavern on Thursday, 27 October 2022 at 10.30am. Any member of the Company is entitled to attend, speak and vote, and may appoint a Proxy to attend, speak and vote on those members behalf. A Proxy need not be a member of […]

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15 August 2022
New Director appointment!

Barry Brant (Flat 11) has been co-opted onto the Board of Great Cliff (Dawlish) Ltd, subject to ratification at our next AGM (27th October 2022). You may wish to know that Barry has a great deal of business experience within the private sector and we look forward to working with him!

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26 July 2022
Front walls & railings painted!

To help with the overall appearance of Great Cliff, the front walls and railings have been painted. This is part of the external painting works where the front of the building is in the process of being painted, together with the east side of the building which faces towards Marine Parade.

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